Saturday, September 29, 2018

Lesson 2

Lesson 2
Talking without speaking/to retell the text
Vocabulary;say and tell
7. a) 1. Someone’s body language tells you how they are feeling.
2. When someone crosses their arms, it say us they want to protect themselves.
3. About 90 percent of what we say isn’t spoken. We communicate a lot through our body language.
4. Can you tell me what it means?
5. A: What automatic gesture do people do when they meet someone they like?
B: Well, I’d say they smile.
6. The quiz tell we do the eyebrow flesh when we see someone we like.

b) 1. Don’t leave until you have said goodbye.
2. When someone has done something for you, you should say thank you.
3. When you have hurt someone, you can make it better by say it again.
4. When you say what your’e thinking so that people can hear, you saying it out loud.
5. If someone didn’t hear you, it helps to said sorry.

c) 1. My friend told me a joke yesterday – it was very funny , but now I can’t remember it!
2. One day when I was little, I told my parents a lie and they were very angry.
3. Can you tell off between an American accent and a British accent?
4. My teacher was so angry with me. She really tell me the difference.
5. He says he’s won medals for tennis, but I don’t think he’s tells the truth.
6. I’m going to telling you a secret. Do you promise not to tell anyone else?

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