Friday, December 23, 2022

504 essential words. lesson 4

1. vapor-moisture in the air that can be seen; fog; mist

2. eliminate-get rid of; remove; omit

3. villain-a very wicked person

4. dense-closely packed together; thick

5. utilize-make use of

6. humid-moist; damp

7. theory-explanation based on thought, observation, or reasoning

8. descend-go or come down from a higher place to a lower level

9. circulate-go around; go from place to place or person to person

10. enormous-extremely large; huge

11. predict-tell beforehand

12. vanish-disappear; disappear suddenly

Fill in the Blanks

1. If we have one more hot, humid day, you will be able to persuade me to move to Alaska.

2. In the show the magician waved his wand to make a lady vanish.

3. The hair on his head was so dense, a special pair of scissors was used to thin it.

4. Since he has passed all his subjects, I'll predict that he will graduate.

5. The villain in the movie was played by an actor who was able to look mean.

6. Vapor rose out of the valve on top of the steam engine.

7. The basketball player was enormous; he could practically drop the ball through the hoop.

8. What theory can you suggest to explain the frequent changes in women's clothing?

9. Why don't you utilize all the space on that page?

10. Sooner or later the elevator will descend and we'll be able to go up.

11. I heard a doctor on a television show say that if we eliminate one slice of bread each day, we'll

lose weight.

12. Copies of some magazines are so scarce, the librarian won't allow them to circulate.

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