Thursday, April 6, 2023

504. Lesson 6, 7

Lesson 6

1. approach-come near or nearer to
2. detect-find out; discover
3. defect-fault; that which is wrong
4. employee-a person who works for pay
5. neglect-give too little care or attenition to
6. deceive-mislead
7. undoubtedly-certainly; beyond doubt
8. popular-liked by most people
9. thorough-being all that is needed; complete
10. client-person for whom a lawyer acts; customer
11. comprehensive-including much
12. defraud-take away money by cheating

Lesson 7

1. postpone-put ff to a later time; delay
2. consent-agree
3. massive-big and heavy; bulky
4. capsule-a small case or covering
5. preserve-keep from harm or change; protect
6. denounce- condemn in public
7. unique-having no like or equal
8. torrent-any violent stream; flood
9. resent-feel injured
10. molest-interfere with; disturb
11. gloomy-dark; dim
12. unforeseen-not known beforehand

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